Public beta, new documentation and GiHub App
CodeSandbox Projects is now in Open Beta
This is an incredibly exciting week for us. We've worked really hard over the last couple of weeks to make this a reality. We got a lot of invaluable feedback from our closed beta testers. and in the last couple of months, the product has come a long way. Now we can share it with the world and are beyond excited about this one.
If you want to learn more about the release itself, we recommend checking out the release blogpost Ives wrote.
New Documentation
Besides this we have also overhauled our Documentation for all systems. You can now access the following documentation pages:
A dedicated page to allow quick switching between the documentation is incoming. We focused on getting it all out in time and want to open it for contributions as soon as possible.
GitHub App
With the public beta release, we have also released our GitHub App to create a more seamless experience for all our users. Please check out the documentation.
If you have used the CodeSandbox Workflow in the past, please make sure to remove that one from enabled projects to avoid unexpected behavior. Using the app will allow us to post automatic preview links on PRs and in we'll be able to improve the CodeSandbox Dashboard performance and more, thanks to optimized data transfers that are just not possible with the default API.
Other Changes
We've also rolled out a few changes to our infrastructure. We've further improved our VM branching. Forking now works within a 2 second timeframe and you'll get an exact copy of the moment you clicked fork. See it in action in this video:
and on top we made various internal improvements in our graphQL API and usage to get faster queries, as we'll constantly look at optimizing performance for all our users. There's a ton of other little things we shipped, but
That's it for this week. Let us know on Twitter about your experiences with using CodeSandbox Projects. If you are curious how our team uses it, here's an excellent Thread written by our very own Alex Moldovan.